-Traditional Catholic (Sedevacantist) Priest-
Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

The Nail of Jahel
My first published book started from the series of sermons I gave during the annual girls camp of St. Gertrude the Great Church, in the summer of 2015. I first printed the three sermons during that fall, and noticed that I really enjoyed writing. I therefore published the first edition of the book in February 2016. The new improved second edition was published in February 2017.
The Nail of Jahel tells the story of some Old Testament heroines. The title heroine Jahel appears in the book of Judges, and she saves her nation by killing the captain of the enemy troops. All the women presented in this book are admirable examples for girls in our time due to their unwavering trust in God and in their bravery in His service.

The Cold Heart
​This collection of stories and fairy tales with morals for children was published in 2016. As a child, I loved to read fairy tales. I loved both classic fairy tales of Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen, as well as modern fantasy literature - for example, Astrid Lindgren's book, The Brothers Lionheart was one of my favorite books.
Charles Dickens once wrote: "In an utilitarian age, of all other times, it is a matter of grave importance that fairy tales should be respected." Our age is certainly that of utilitarianism, or pleasure-seeking, and to introduce the children of today to the classic fairy tales, I put together this collection of classic fairy tales and stories, some well known, others less so. The book has 740 pages and contains 40 stories. The stories and fairy tales are collected from all over the world, including ones from Middle East, Korea, and Russia. The title story was written by Wilhelm Hauff in 1827, and is perhaps my favorite fairy tale of all time.

The Gift of the Wise Men
Christmas has been a great occasion for heart-warming stories. This Christmas-time story collection contains forty both classic and lesser-known of such stories. The title story by O. Henry tells about a young couple whose Christmas present shopping doesn’t go according to their plans but ends up delivering something much more valuable than gifts..
Like in my other story collection The Cold Heart, the stories contained in The Gift of the Wise Men are enjoyed both by children and adults. The themes range from adventure to serious and from fun to sorrow – and there’s even a bit of suspense mixed in.

Laura Vicuña
This is a biography of a Chilean schoolgirl Laura Vicuña (1891-1904). Her life serves as a great inspiration to all Catholics, both children and adults.
After Laura's father died when she was three, her family moved to Argentina to attend a Catholic school, which was taken care of the Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco. It was a big sacrifice for her because she had to board at the school, away from her dear mother. But the presence of the Sisters, a solid education and especially the daily sacrifice of the Mass made her a follower of Christ every child and adult should admire. To save her mother from sin, Laura also made the greatest act of charity, and offered her life to save the soul of another. The book shows what a blessing a Catholic school is to a child.

Mass Externals for Children
This little board book teaches the youngest traditional Catholics about the beautiful externals used for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The book features Father Bede Nkamuke, a Nigerian priest ordained by Bishop Daniel L. Dolan in 2013, and consecrated Bishop by Bishop Charles McGuire in 2023. This delightful volume covers the priest's vestments, what children see on the altar, the meaning of the liturgical colors, and more! A perfect choice to take on Sundays to help children appreciate this most incredible Gift that God has given to us.
This is the first of its kind, being the only board book for the Latin Mass. 38 pages.

My Vocation is Love
My new book is titled My Vocation is Love: How Saint Thérèse Conquered Depression through the Holy Face Devotion. Saint Thérèse of Lisieux was a constant source of joy to her Sisters in the convent. But only very few, among them her blood sister Céline, knew that behind the joy and laughter there was a perpetual state of sadness.
Saint Thérèse once said to another Sister: “I used to force myself to smile in order that God, as though deceived by my countenance, should not suspect that I was suffering.” It was through her devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus how Saint Thérèse conquered her sadness and depression. She identified herself with the “man of sorrows,” unrecognized and alone, and with Saint Joan of Arc, suffering desolation in prison. The book also gives the short history how Popes have approved the Holy Face devotion in the public worship of the Church, because some Traditional Catholics mistakenly believe, that this devotion, so dear to Saint Thérèse, has been forbidden by the Church.